Arrest warrant issued against Nepal cricket team captain Sandeep Lamichane

Nepal cricket team captain, Sandeep Lamichhane, has been accused by a 17-year-old girl of raping her in a hotel room in Kathmandu, police said on Thursday.

The teen-aged girl filed a FIR at Gaushala Metropolitan Police Circle in Kathmandu on Tuesday in which she had accused 22-year-old Lamichhane had raped her in a hotel room in Kathmandu some three weeks ago.

According to the case filed at the Police Circle Gaushala, Sandeep allegedly took the girl to various places in Kathmandu and Bhaktapur for a visit on August 21 and raped her in a hotel in Kathmandu the same night.

Sandeep Lamichane has denied the allegations against him and claimed himself innocent. He is playing in CPL currently.

Police has stated that the investigation is underway nothing can be said without clear evidence.


Gosh! This is so sad. Let’s see what happens.


It’s a Shocking news :scream: :scream:

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The Department of Immigration has blacklisted rape-accused cricket star Sandeep Lamichhane so that the police can arrest him as soon as he enters the country.

The detailed version of what has happened -

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Poor lad, Don’t want to jump into conclusions but Money & fame changes people especially when they’re too young!