Afghanistan vs Pakistan, Afghanistan has been unpredictable in this format. And they have won against WI once in which WI had lost against only Afghanistan in that wc. I hope there is a possibility for biggest upset in the cricketing history

  • Biggest upset
  • Easy win for Pak

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Oh I’m rooting for Afghanistan. :pray:t5::fire:
The people of Afghanistan have gone through so much and a world cup win will give them at least something to smile about. :blush:
Who knows, it might even change the attitude of their rulers - a little bit. :pray:t5:
Go Afghanistan! :afghanistan::heart_eyes::fire:


Go Afghanistan​:afghanistan::afghanistan: :heart:

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+1 Go Afghanistan :afghanistan: :tada: :tada: :tada:

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Afghanistan is struggling. Can Rashid Khan save 'em?

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He is their only option to turn the match around

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It’s going to be an easy win for Pakistan.

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Rashid has done his job so far so well… a good over from him will make it tough for Pak

Afg has no chance from now on